We Are The People
We Are The People
S5 - E4 - Beulah Coombs - From Jamaica to Britain in the 50s, becoming one of the first black teachers in Britain
Beulah Coombs was born in Jamaica in 1949 and at the age of 8 she moved to Manchester following her parents who had moved their to help rebuild England after the war. She is part of the Windrush Generation. The world she encountered was much different to what she imagined and the welcome she received was tainted by ignorance as she strove to make an impact in her new surroundings.
But make an impact she did as Beulah ignored the racists and naysayers to build a life in her adopted country that was so fulfilling it prevented her from returning to live in Jamaica, even when the British government introduced a law suggesting she do just that.
Beulah describes the difficulties she faced finding a job, the vibrancy of the nightclub scene and talks about the importance of accurately depicting the past.
Inquisitive, funny, determined, and a first time published author at the age of 75…this is Beulah Coombs!